Wednesday , 12 February 2025

The celebration of Olympic Day in Ancient Olympia!

The Municipality of Ancient Olympia and the National Olympic Academy, in the presence of the President of Mrs. Giorgos Alykakos, in the context of the celebration of Olympic Day, organize every year sports, cultural and educational events, aiming at the promotion of Olympic values and the Olympic movement in general. Due to the special conditions of the pandemic, the celebration of Olympic Day will again this year be different and in accordance with the health protocols.

Already the Municipality has informed the directors of the Municipal Schools, proposing to include in their educational program, on Wednesday 23 June (hours 10:00 – 11:30), the theory of the history of the Museum of Modern Olympic Games, which is currently being renovated and to meet the founder of Georgios Papastefanou – Provatakis. It is very interesting for students to get to know this important olympic structure that exists in Ancient Olympia and will soon open its doors to the public." Before the end of the teaching hour there will be a live web link to the Museum of Modern Olympic Games of Ancient Olympia, with greetings from the Mayor, the President of ETHNOA, the Vice-Regional of Olympic Affairs and the competent Deputy Mayors of Ancient Olympia, where students can also ask questions. There will also be a link to an annex of the Romanian National Olympic Academy in the Brasov region, which will also have a corresponding training programme in schools on Olympic Day.

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