Παρασκευή , 7 Φεβρουάριος 2025

«I can’t describe the feeling of my Olympic participation» Interview with the Olympic Judoka, Carlos Jose Santiago, from Puerto Rico. The American athlete describes the feelings about his participation at the Olympics and speaks about his Olympic role nowadays.

After a long sporting career, Carlos Santiago succeeded to make true his Olympic dream. Now, his goal is to transfer his Olympic knowledge and the benefits of Judo, to the young generation of his country, Puerto Rico.

How was your first contact with the sports and when you got involved with Judo?

My first contact with the sports was when I was about the age of 8, when I started to practice in baseball, swimming, basketball and track and field. At the age of 12, my father introduced me to the sport of Judo. Since then I have not been able to take off my sport.

After a long and hard training, you succeed to participate to the Sydney Olympics. Can you describe that moment?

Wow, I can tell you that the sacrifice was really worth it. I think there are no words to describe the emotion that just knowing who would be participating in the most famous, prestigious and the greatest sporting event in the world.

Your participation at the Olympic Games changed your thought and your daily life?

Just the challenge you have that you are getting involved in the Olympic Games, makes you feel very intense. I think that my participation changed my life, in the way of the continuous training and preparation in order to classify and be present at the Olympic Games. Those days of sacrifice, dedication, commitment and dedication are what have you take that change and that adaptation to your daily life.

Nowadays, which is your role in the Olympic family of Puerto Rico?

Today I am the president and CEO of athletes of the Olympic Committee of Puerto Rico. Recently, last July, I was elected as commissioner at PASO (PANAMERICAN SPORT ORGANIZATION) athlete and athlete commissioner in the CPJ (PANAMERICAN JUDO CONFEDERATION).

Are you satisfied about the knowledge of the Olympic values and principles of the young generation?

I think that is on nature of young people to discover new thinks and Olympic education is a very interesting topic for them. So, we have the obligation to transfer the knowledge to the young generation, in order to improve what they know about Olympic values and Olympic principles. I believe that we are in a very good way about this.

We would like to share your personal goals about your actions in the Olympic Movement in Puerto Rico and abroad.

I’m always in close relation with the athletes of my country, during and after their participation. I always think about how they can improve their practice and benefits after their retirement and which in turn serve as mentors to which they are rising. Having a permanent center of attention to guide athletes what they must do to achieve their dreams, not so much athletically if not professionally.

Recently, you visited the birthplace of the Olympic Games, Ancient Olympia and you attended Olympic Session in the International Olympic Academy. Can you express your feelings and your impressions about that?

I have already expressed my impressions in my report for the Olympic Committee and the Olympic Academy of Puerto Rico. I am really so impressed about the place and the feeling, as all cultures and spirits were in one amazing place. I had the chance to meet great Olympic people in the birthplace of the Olympic Games!

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