Friday , 24 January 2025

Memorandum of Cooperation between the Hellenic Wheelchair Basketball Federation and the Municipality of Athens

TheFederation of Greek Wheelchair Basketball Associationsand theMunicipality of Athens, with theOPANof the Municipality signedMemorandumCooperation, which includes a series of actions in the center of Athens, within the framework of the Federation's Development Program.

The memorandum is valid until31 December 2023And we are sure that this is just the beginning of a lasting relationship. The events of the federation include, in addition to the 3×3 wheelchair basketball games, a series of different events, involving players from its teamsUCITS, students, who will sit in the wheelchair, to gain experiential experience, entertainment groups, dance events, etc.

The object of organizing joint initiatives – actions,non-profit making, aims to raise awareness, inform about the value of sport, promote proper behavior in sport, volunteering, not only of students, but of the whole society.

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