Friday , 7 February 2025

Award of the best Cypriot teen-young athletes

The Cyprus Olympic Committee holds on Thursday, May 27th at the Olympic Palace (7.00 p.m.), the award ceremony of the Top Teen-Young Women 2020, an annual institution established in 1985.

The event is dedicated to the late Uranium M. Ioannidis, former President of the Cyprus Olympic Committee from 2008 to 2016.

For the 2020 Teen-Youth Awards, 32 sports federations of individual and team sports sent their proposals for the best in each sport, which were accepted and ratified by the Executive Board of the Cyprus Olympic Committee.

The innovation of this year's event is the live webcast. The event will be broadcast in addition to the website of the Cyprus Olympic Committee and from the websites (Digital TV of the Digital Tree Group), (SPP MEDIA), (MC Digital Media), (DIAS Group), (ALPHA TV), (ANTENNA Cyprus), as well as (Liberal Group).

The event has been attended by the Minister of Education and Culture, Mr. Prodromos Prodromos, the President of the CMO, Mr. Andreas Michaelides, members of the Board of Directors of the CMO, Presidents and representatives of the Sports Federations, the Mayor of Strovolos, Mr. Andreas Papacharalambous, representatives of the sponsors of the CMO, as well as escorts of the athletes who will be awarded.

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