Friday , 14 February 2025

The HOC awards the athletes – parents who secured the Olympic qualification in 2023

HGender Equality CommitteeofHellenic Olympic Committeeorganizes an event for the Award of Allowance to athletes who are parents and secured in 2023, the qualification to theOlympic Games "Paris 2024".

At the Ceremony to be held onThursday 9 November 2023και at 18:30The presentation of its Action Plan will also take place in the HOC AmphitheaterGender Equality Committeeof the HOC as well as the projectErasmus + GAMES.

The award of the allowance will be made to the athletes:

Cristian GkolomeebSwimming

Efthimios MitasShooting

Lefteris PetrouniasGymnastics

Giannis FoudoulisWater polo

The Ceremony will be attended and addressed by: The President of Hellenic OlympicSpyros Kapralos, the Secretary General for EqualityZefi Dimadamaand the President of the NAIS Equality CommitteeRoyal Milloysi.

The European projectGAMES – Guidance to Achieve More Equal Leadership in Sport,implemented byGender Equality Committeeof the HOC in collaboration with seven other Olympic Committees and gender experts, under the coordination ofEuropean Bureau of the European Olympic Committeesand the support ofInternational Olympic Committee.

The duration of the project is from April 2022 to March 2024 and its goal isGAMESis to improve the level of gender equality in leadership and decision-making positions, within the Olympic Committees involved in the project, enhancing understanding of existing cultural barriers and promoting structural changes in their governance.

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