Saturday , 15 February 2025

Protest against the exclusion of deaf citizens from information

The Federation of the Deaf of Greece expresses its indignation at the fact that ERT once again ignored the needs of hearing-impaired viewers, as in the Prime Minister's statements on Tuesday 09 March and Thursday 11 March 2021, there was no parallel interpretation in sign language, nor was there subtitling.
HR 3586/06-12-2018 (Government Gazette 5491/2018) which ERT grossly violates, expressly states u2012 regardless of live or taped transmissionu2012 that "Public announcements, such as the announcements of the President of the Republic and the Prime Minister, as well as communications in exceptional or critical cases including in cases of natural disasters must be transmitted to the general public through audiovisual media services in Greek sign language while at the same time indicating subtitles in the Greek language and at a greater intensity than the normal flow of the programme.".
Public television, however, beyond the laws, has a moral obligation to serve all citizens, with or without disabilities, equally and not to exclude anyone from providing quality information and entertainment.
We have already complained many times to the management of ERT, unfortunately without any permanent result. However, we with increasing dynamism will demand the application of the above-mentioned law, as well as the restoration of the daily television transmission of the main news bulletin to sign language, -while at the same time indicating subtitles in the Greek language - which has been recognized as equivalent to the Greek language with Law 4488/2017. Our information is our non-negotiable right and we demand that it be provided seamlessly and with due respect, especially by public television.

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