The EOC Executive Committee fully supports the efforts taken by the IOC to protect the clean athletes and to step up the fight against drug cheats. At the annual EOC Seminar in Tarragona, Spain, the EOC Executive Committee approved a motion of full support for the IOC’s recent actions to retest doping samples from the Olympic Games Beijing 2008 and London 2012. The EOC Executive Committee also stands behind the IOC in its call for a ‘fully-fledged investigation’ by the World Anti-Doping Agency (WADA) to clear up the allegations concerning the Anti-Doping laboratory in Sochi.
The EOC Executive Committee stresses the importance to first establish the full facts before then taking decisive action. Should the allegations prove true, the EOC fully supports the IOC’s approach which at the same time balances collective responsibility with individual justice in order to ensure a level-playing field for all athletes at the Olympic Games Rio 2016.
Source: European Olympic Committees