An open invitation to participate in the training seminar (technical meeting) on: "The rightful approach to disability in local, social and developmental policies" is addressed by National Confederation of People with Disabilities (E.S.A.meA.) to executives of the organizational units of regional and local government, collective and scientific bodies, citizens, etc.
The training seminar (technical meeting) will take place on Wednesday, March 29, 2023, from 10:00 to 16:00, at the Cultural Center of the Municipality of Katerini (ground floor room), 7th Division 10.
The seminar is organized by E.S.A.meA. in the framework of Action 1.2: "Technical Meetings on "The rightful approach to disability in local, social and developmental policies", of Subproject 1: "Information / Awareness raising to promote the implementation of the rightful approach to disability", of the Act "Integrated Service for Combating Discrimination and Promoting the Social Inclusion of People with Disabilities, People with Chronic Diseases and their Families Living in the Region of Central Greece Macedonia".