The President of ESDP, Ioannis Vardakastanis, signed on behalf of the ESDP a Protocol of Cooperation with the Athens School of Fine Arts (A.S.K.T.), on Wednesday, April 13, 2022. He was accompanied by ESDP's partner and accessibility engineer – expert Marily Christofi and ESDP executive Evelina Kallimani. On behalf of the A.S.K.T. was the rector Nikolaos Tranos, the ep. Professor of Sculpture Ioannis Melanitis and the member of the H.E.P. and ep. head of the Accessible Education Unit Ourania Anastasiadou.
The purpose of this Protocol of Cooperation shall be the joint design, implementation and monitoring by the Parties of policies and actions to enhance inclusive education and promote equal access to the arts and culture for persons with disabilities/chronic diseases and their families. Actions that take into account human diversity and remove obstacles and all forms of exclusion, in a way that benefits everyone so that every citizen, with or without a disability/chronic condition and/or reduced mobility in general, has the opportunity to participate fully and equally in the cultural chain and enjoy the cultural goods.