At last the constant pressure of the ESDP on the ministry. Transport on the critical issue of free passage of vehicles of people with disabilities from toll stations ME or WITHOUT the presence of the person in the vehicle brought results. With the vote of the Law 4903/2022 article 17, the vehicle has an exemption even if the beneficiary is not on board, in case the movement is made to serve it.
Already from the stage of consultation of the now voted Law 4782/2021, ESDP had expressed the need to establish the single e-pass on all roads, with the aim of finally arranging the free passage of wheelchairs from the toll stations of all motorways in the country in a uniform way, regardless of the presence or not of the person with disabilities in them, in order to provide a definitive solution to a chronic problem and to ensure the equal mobility of people with disabilities as required by the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (Law 4074/2012).
ESDP had repeatedly explained, in many meetings and in even more letters, that citizens with disabilities are forced to use the vast majority of private cars for their transportation, due to the absence of accessible urban transport systems in the majority of Greek cities, despite the requirements of the European Regulations on passenger rights. Their relatives usually act as a driver/ transporter, transferring them to various structures where they need to go (e.g. hospitals, infirmaries, work, entertainment/sports, education, creative activities, etc.) and stay to receive education or to work or participate in events. In these cases, usually their relatives leave them at the place of destination and return to pick them up hours later to return to their residence. So, although the wheelchair is circulating to serve the person with a disability, the person is not in it.
Law 4782/2021, which was voted, established a single e-pass on all roads, for the final arrangement of the free passage of disabled vehicles from the toll stations of all motorways in the country in a uniform way, but with the obligatory presence of the person with disabilities in it. With law 4903/2022 and article 17, the vehicle has an exemption even if the beneficiary is not on board, in case the transfer is made to serve it.