Friday , 7 February 2025

6 out of 10 citizens with severe disabilities on the poverty spectrum

That's the unpleasant conclusion of 8th Statistical Information Bulletin of the ESA DISABLED Disability Observatory, which dealt with poverty and social exclusion among people with disabilities. This Bulletin compares poverty and social exclusion data in the population of people with and without disabilities for the year 2019, with an income reference period of 2018, and reflects the time changes over the period 2010-2019. The source of the data is eurostat's EU-SILC (Statistics on Income and Living Conditions) sample survey of Household Income and Living Conditions, conducted in Greece by the Hellenic Statistical Authority.

The conclusions drawn are very worrying. The extent of poverty and social exclusion among people with severe disabilities aged 16-64, with 60% on the spectrum of poverty or social exclusion, paints a picture of an inaccessible society, for an extended category of young people and citizens with disabilities and/or chronic diseases, at the most productive ages. In more detail at risk of poverty or social exclusion is: • 69.2% of the population with severe disabilities 25-34 years of age (compared to 32% of the population without disabilities), • 67.6% of the population with severe disabilities 35-44 years of age (compared to 26.4% of the population without disability), • 58.6% of the population with severe disabilities aged 45-54 (compared to 28.6% of the population without disabilities), • 50.9% of the population with severe disabilities aged 55-64 (compared to 32.8% of the population without disabilities).

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