A new Olympic venue for the Rio Olympics is ready. Carioca Arena 3 has 10,000 seats and has been built to offer the highest standards of accessibility for athletes and spectators. Ramps with anti-slip surfaces allow safe and easy entry for wheelchair users to the stands, where special seats are reserved for people with impairments, while bathrooms have been built to provide full accessibility.
Furthermore, the stadium has an extra aim, the educational legacy. After the Games, Carioca 3 will become an Olympic Experimental School (GEO in Portuguese) with space for 1,000 full-time students. The city government has already initiated three of these special institutions in other parts of Rio. They combine academic teaching with top-level sports training. With 24 classrooms, plus science and media labs, Carioca Arena 3 will be the largest of the GEOs, offering pupils and youngsters from social projects with facilities for judo, badminton, basketball, wrestling, table tennis, archery, handball, football, volleyball, gymnastics and weight training.
Photo: Beth Santos