Friday , 14 February 2025

Joint pie cutting of Greek Olympians and Paralympians!

In an impressive but also full of emotion event, the Association of Olympic Participants (ESOA) and the Association of Greek Paralympics (SEP), cut, for the first time, a Common New Year's Pie in the place they call their "second home", at OAKA. The Deputy Minister of Sports, Mr. Lefteris Aygenakis , ο Γ.Γ. Αθλητισμού, κος George Mavrotasv OLY, o Ευρωβουλευτής, κος Στυλιανός Κυμπουρόπουλος , ο κος Γιώργος Σταμάτης, Γραμματέας Κοινωνικής Αλληλεγγύης, ΑμεΑ & Ανθρωπίνων Δικαιωμάτων, ο Πρόεδρος της Ελληνικής Παραολυμπιακής Επιτροπής, κος Γιώργος Καπελλάκης, μέλη της Ολομέλειας, της Ολυμπιακής και Παραολυμπιακής Επιτροπής, εκπρόσωποι θεσμικών φορέων του Αθλητισμού, Πρόεδροι Ομοσπονδιών, καθώς και πλήθος Olympians και Paraolympians.
Following the social actions they have organized for the last two and a half years in the framework of the Memorandum of Cooperation signed by ESOA and SEP, they announced their 1st joint sports action called ZERO DESCRIMINATION, where in co-organization with the Association, The Hope Runners – Δρομείς Ελπίδας, able-bodied, disabled athletes and athletes will run together in the outdoor area of OAKA, a Road Race with the message of removing any discrimination in sports but also in social, everyday life in general.
H επίσημη συνεργατική σχέση της ΕΣΟΑ με τον ΣΕΠ, αριθμεί ήδη 2.5 χρόνια, αλλά όπως τόνισαν οι Πρόεδροι των 2 συλλογικών φορέων των Olympians & Paralympians αθλητών, Βούλα Κοζομπόλη OLY και Γρηγόρης Πολυχρονίδης αντίστοιχα, «η πραγματική σχέση μας αριθμεί πολλά περισσότερα, καθώς είμαστε φίλοι μια ζωή μέσα από τα μετερίζια του Αθλητισμού, και συνεργάτες μέσα από διάφορα project, όπως για παράδειγμα τις δράσεις στα σχολεία της Ελλάδας του προγράμματος «Σέβομαι την Διαφορετικότητα», του «Διεθνούς Κέντρου Ολυμπιακής Εκεχειρίας» κ.α.
ESOA and SEP have already been activated at a symbolic, moral and substantive level on issues of education, the environment and other social issues, making a TOGETHER resounding intervention on domestic violence and violence against women. It is worth noting that Paraolympians will be valuable helpers of ESOA in the elaboration of our new and pioneering at a World Level Educational program "Athlete's Certificate", which is implemented in collaboration with the World Academy of Sport, while ESOA and SEP secured the first joint sponsorship support for their members and specifically from SINDESIS TALENT EMPOWRENMENT through which Vocational Guidance services will be offered, which is necessary mainly for teenagers who are looking for their skills and professional direction, for the children of the members of the Association of Participants in the Olympic Games and the Association of Greek Paralympics.
Donors of the Common New Year's Pie ESOA and SEP were the jewelry company Jos Handmade Jewels and the company Apivita, while the event was honored with the presence of the emblematic and one of the most important Greek Singers, Mr. Manolis Mitsias. Finally, we would like to thank the management of OAKA and especially gen. Director, Mr. Konstantinos Chalioris, for the assistance and support of the event.

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