Tuesday , 23 April 2024

Resolution of the Greek Olympic Committee on changes in sport

The Greek Olympic Committee decided unanimously at the last plenary session: To request a meeting by the Deputy Minister of Sport Lefteris Avgenakis to ask him to amend the sports bill that has been introduced for discussion in Parliament's Committee on Educational Affairs, on the provisions of article 8 on restrictions on the mandates of members of sports federations and the introduction of age limits on the management of federations, which do not conform With the Olympic Charter that prohibits state interference in the autonomous administration of federations. To call on the Deputy Minister of Sport to withdraw the order of retroactive activity in the terms of the members of sports federations, as it is unconstitutional.

Recognizing the need to renew the athletic movement, the sports federations should proceed to self-regulation on the subject of the provisions of their members ' terms within the shortest possible time on the basis of the applicable international sports Federations and Olympic committees. If the legitimate and equitable demands of sports federations are not met in connection with the sports bill under discussion, which affects the long-term, selfless and highly successful pastime of the actors of sport, then its members Plenary session, intend to submit their resignation to the country's prime minister.

Πηγή – ΕΟΕ

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