Saturday , 15 February 2025

Completed successfully the Olympic Day Run of Thessaloniki Olympic Museum

With great success, despite difficult conditions in the rain, took place OlympicDayRun of the Olympic Museum, in Thessaloniki, Greece, on Sunday, June 9. This is the official Olympic EMU event – global reach – that has become an institution in Thessaloniki and Greece as thousands of runners were present to run in one of two routes, 5 km. and 1.5 km..The celebration of International Olympic Day introduced in 2018 and is made with the participation of the whole of the Greek Olympic family, as implemented by the Olympic Museum, in collaboration with the Hellenic Olympic Committee, national and International OlympiakiAkadimia, the ATHLETICS FEDERATION, the NDP SEGAS Thessaloniki, the Olympians, Decorations and athletes, with the support of the municipality of Thessaloniki, Central Macedonia, Thessaloniki Tourism Organisation, institutions and State bodies as well as crowd sports associations and educational institutions from across the country. Gold Sponsor of the Olympic Museum and Gold Sponsor of the action "Olympic DayRun" is the Electricity sector Protergia of MYTLINEOS, who gave it its own energy at the event.

The thousands of runners gathered early at origins of the double dromikoy fact, of 5 km and 1.5 km, full of excitement and Olympic pulse, defying the heavy rain. Esteilanetsi together with the Olympians and prominent athletes – honored with their presence the event arriving from across the country – the joy of sport. In particular, the fight involved the Golden Olympic Champion Voula Patoulidou, Lysacek Ioannis Melissanidis, the Silver Medalist, Pigi Devetzi Bronze Medalists Alexandra Tsiavou and Ioanna Hatziioannou, and Olympians Otto Moschidis, Kleanthis Mpargkas, Ioanna Mpoyzioy, Ioanna Christou, PolySaregkoy, Popi Ouzouni, Fotini Vavatsi, Vasiliki Kasapi. The start of the match gave the outgoing Mayor Ioannis Boutaris, with the newly elected Mayor Constantine Zerva, Governor of Voula Patoulidou, the outgoing Deputy Mayor Alexander Mparmpoynaki Sport, and Stelios Angeloudi, Greek Olympic Committee Vice-President, Sunday Oydatzi, Director of the Olympic Museum and Director General of "OlympicDayRun" and the Filio Lanara, CorporateCommunication & MarketingManagertis MYTILINEOS representing the Protergia, Gold Sponsor of the Olympic Museum and Gold Sponsor of the 2nd OlympicDayRun.

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